Ninja Zaga

Ninja Saga is also one of the most played game in Facebook, it is where players can creat their own Ninja character and battle with friends.  In this game guide, we be discussing the basics like how to play Ninja Saga as well as more deeper information on how to gain lots of money in the game, and killer Ninja saga tips and strategy.  Expect that there will be added information on these page as developers release new and amazing skills and weapons on Ninja Saga.
  • Getting started - Before anything else you'll need to create and customized your Ninja Saga Character.  Then you will begin the tutorial that will show you how to battle and explain some of the most aspects of the game.  After you go through with all the tutorials you can then begin accepting missions that would help you to level up, when you reach level 5, you will be able to begin entering Ninja Saga battles.

Vampire Wars

This is one of most played games on Facebook.  It is a Vampire themed game, text based, that involves some number technique in order to be successful. It puts you in a world where you and your friends are Vampires. This includes all of your friends on Facebook that is also playing Vampire Wars that has been added to your Clan. A player starts by doing several missions in an introduction of the game, and these missions will help you build the stats of your character and level up after several missions done. For completing a  missions, you will be needing allot of energy, your energy regenerates by 1 point every 3 minutes, for blood you can acquire it by doing some missions and also regenerates after 5 minutes dominating Minions can also help you for sustaining income. The player then uses this income to buy bigger and better skills from the bazaar screen, which then can give them the upper hand in multiplayer fights. The bazaar offers three types of skills, Offensive, Defensive, and Movement. The game allows for quite a bit of specialization into each of these categories, but does make the player focus quite a bit on defense, unless they want to be left open to attack. This is because offensive skills are quite a bit more powerful than defensive. This somewhat like MafiaWars also can be played om Facebook.  But every game has its on game play and should be played using different strategies, here are some tips and guides for vampire wars, hope this could help.
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